So I love being able to work from home because I get to stay home with my boys and save money not having to put them in daycare just yet plus Im clinging to these years and enjoying every minute of it because they won't be this age for long. Anywho lol so I found this job just web searching different (WAH) websites and one day I got an email and at first I thought it was a scam but it turned out to be legit so I pretty much do telemarketing I call and bug people and ask tgemvif there still interested in getting a degree it's not fancy but it works for me I so love the fact that I dont have to always depend on my hubby for money and I can actually by him gifts now without using his money lol and I love that it's so super easy but as you know every job has it's ups and downs so because its so super easy it can get boring but the great thing about working at home is you can watch tv or surf the web. However my boys dont always like to cooperate lol so somedays go smoothly and some days are not so smooth. Like one day my youngest walked up to me when I was on a call and he gave me the sweetest smile right before he let one rip lmao and it wasnt just a fart so I had to keep from laughing, then im potty training my oldest I had just put him on the potty before I started work, so maybe 30 mins later I called him in the living room and I just knew he did something I have never seen him walk so slow and then the smell hit me before he even got too me he pooped on himself so I had to take a quick break and clean him up O man I was so frustrated lol so thats how some of my days are a good would be if they took a nap and wake up and just chill but you never know lmao. Well that's it for now Muah:Smooches!!!:)