Thursday, October 10, 2013

Working at Home

So I love being able to work from home because I get to stay home with my boys and save money not having to put them in daycare just yet plus Im clinging to these years and enjoying every minute of it because they won't be this age for long. Anywho lol so I found this job just web searching different (WAH) websites and one day I got an email and at first I thought it was a scam but it turned out to be legit so I pretty much do telemarketing I call and bug people and ask tgemvif there still interested in getting a degree it's not fancy but it works for me I so love the fact that I dont have to always depend on my hubby for money and I can actually by him gifts now without using his money lol and I love that it's so super easy but as you know every job has it's ups and downs so because its so super easy it can get boring but the great thing about working at home is you can watch tv or surf the web. However my boys dont always like to cooperate lol so somedays go smoothly and some days are not so smooth. Like one day my youngest walked up to me when I was on a call and he gave me the sweetest smile right before he let one rip lmao and it wasnt just a fart so I had to keep from laughing, then im potty training my oldest I had just put him on the potty before I started work, so maybe 30 mins later I called him in the living room and I just knew he did something I have never seen him walk so slow and then the smell hit me before he even got too me he pooped on himself so I had to take a quick break and clean him up O man I was so frustrated lol so thats how some of my days are a good would be if they took a nap and wake up and just chill but you never know lmao. Well that's it for now Muah:Smooches!!!:)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Army wives and stuff

                                           Well off hubby goes again back to the field but at least it's only for a few days this time man you never get used to it you just learn how to deal and keep yourself busy. But I must say i'm really not sad about it or anything because I have made a great new friend and she has 2 kids just like me and she's from Okc just like me so it's so cool to meet someone from where i'm from. Because I will have to admit I stay to myself a lot because it's really hard to meet a genuinely nice army wife too hang out with I mean that really gets me cause I am not quite like other women i'm very different and a lot of people just don't get me thus me being a loner but hey it gets lonely when your hubby is gone working all the time you have to find other things to do because just sitting in the house will literally drive you crazy especially on such an isolated place trust me I know from experience because that's what I did when I first got here anyways so to get out the house I tried the whole joining the FRG and it was okay for awhile but I felt like it wasn't me, I tried making friends on my own and the ones I made were much younger than me with no kids so we didn't have much in common so those friendships didn't go any further than inviting each other to BBQ's and Parties every now and then, and of course I did meet some great people but they ended up moving or getting stationed somewhere else, and some wives treat you as though you are lower than them like they treat you based off of your husbands rank as if they themselves are in the army so if your hubby is a private and there hubby is a specialist or sgt they won't even acknowledge you unless they absolutely have too, and last but not least of course you have the sometime friends I call them sometime friends because they pretend to be your friend but they only come around sometimes like when they need something or their other friends blew them off  it's crazy and surprisingly a lot like the show army wives go figure. I used to watch that show with my mom all the time but would have never dreamed that I would be an army wife hell I never thought I would be a wife one day lmao life is so crazy and surprising. N-e ways so on such an isolated place and with so few options I get very excited when I meet someone I actually really get along with and enjoy being around. Well now I feel like i'm rambling hahaha so i'm saying night night until next time
Well gotta love it here feels like i just got my hubby back after being gone for pretty much the whole month of august he got back in time to celebrate my 27th birthday with me we threw a little get together, well because i'm kind of a loner I only have a few people in my circle and that's just how I like it. Below is my birthday outfit I put together the shirt I made myself well I refashioned an old t-shirt lol. but anyways we had a blast!!! So blessed to have him in my life

Monday, September 23, 2013

Stuck in a Rut

I don't know what's going on with me lately but like ever since my 27th birthday, I just feel like Im stuck in a rut I have no friends or much of a social life. Most of my time is spent in the house except for the rare occassions im invited somewhere or take the kids to the park. I mean I do stuff, I have hobbies like sewing I love fashion & making clothes and I work and go to school. Yet for some reason I feel lonely hubby and I dont ever spend time together without the kids and the few times we have he got super drunk and was very embarrasing so I kind of dislike going places with him cause I never know if he's going to make an ass out of himself. I feel so pathetic trying to make friends and impress females I dont really like and that dont really like me. Sigh I dont know I guess I just want a companion or girlfriend because my hubby is never there for me. Its weird cause I want a female friend but at the same time im scared because I dont trust anyone. Im a sad case however as im writing this Im feeling better guess I just needed to get it off my chest so I can move past this feeling lol. Anyways I will continue to pray and just be myself and be happy that im blessed to have 2 beautiful lil boys and hubby that although drives me crazy he really truly genuinely loves me so I guess in all actuality things are how they should be. That's it for now Muah:) Smooches

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Man i just need to vent a little bit and since I can't talk to my family about my problems and I don't have any real friends I trust enough to talk  i'm just gonna blog about it since this is basically like my only means to an outlet in this freaking place so here it goes ARRRRRRGGh!!! now that feels a little better but not much
So it's been awhile since I been on my own blog, but a lot has happened I started school and i'm also working from home, i'm trying to potty train my 2 yr old which has been well you know hahaha. Anyways just wanted to post a lil something. i guess i'm not to sure what to do with this blog but i will figure something out lol

Friday, March 22, 2013

So Blessed

Well things seem to be going pretty well hubby just got back from another rotation and I just thank God that he made it home safely, and I would also like to thank God for my beautiful family as long as I have God and my family I will be happy. My boys are growing so fast Dj is teething he already has one tooth sprouted and another one coming in he's already 8mos seems just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital now he's crawling and almost walking Wow!! Nicholas is getting so big he's 2 now and he's learning so much and he's starting to talk really good of course some of it still sounds like gibberish but he's getting better working on potty training and he's even sleeping in a Big Boy bed now. What am I going to do with myself when they get bigger and don't need me as much anymore I have no idea. Well anyways my hubby finally got rid of that car he hated and got a new car that I love and he's doing well my sewing machine is on its way i'm so excited about finally getting to learn how to sew good and make my own clothes I can't wait. Thank you Jesus for the blessings you have bestowed on me and my family I love Jesus and I praise your name. Well that's all for now 
MUAH!! Smooches

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hello friends so as I was saying before my hubby has to go in to the field tomorrow which sucks because i'm going to miss him even though it's only going to be a few days, but I hate when rotation starts pretty much everyone's hubby and S/O have to go in to the field. O and in case your wondering Rotation is when the men go out into the field for weeks at a time and do army stuff lol well at least that's my definition anyway probably not politically correct but what the hell who cares i'm an army wife i'm not in the army thank goodness hahaha not saying there is anything wrong with it but I certainly wouldn't be able to do it i'm what my hubby calls a whimp ha!! Anyways so instead of 5am he has to leave at 3:30am I was like o hell no I am not waking the kids up that early you better find a ride, I know i'm rambling but i'm just bored I spend all day with a 2yr old and a 6mos old and when hubby gets home from work he's usually exhausted so I normally don't have to much adult interaction except for every now and then when my friend comes over or I have a playdate with another mom. Well that's how it goes on fort depression if there's not too many things on base to do they have one movie theatre that only shows old movies or kid friendly movies on, a bowling alley and that's about it but one good thing is the FRG usually has different things planned or social gatherings which is pretty nice and some of the wives have there own home businesses and things like that. Me pretty much just stay at home but I have been trying to figure out something that I can do to keep busy and make money along with being here with the kids I have been searching heavily but I know I will find something if I stay persistent. Well that's it for now MUAH: kisses

A Blah Day

Well good morning all, let me start off by saying I am so tired today so I already know today is going to be a sit down and relax day for me and the boys. I know this week coming up is going to be a long one I found out this morning hubby has to go into the field tomorrow morning he's leaving at 5 and he won't be back until next thursday I think unless they decide to change it a the last minute which happens often here anyways so it's going to be just me and my 2 boys I hate rotation so much it can be very hard on the wives and kids but on the upside it could be worse I would rather him go into the field for a week instead of being deployed for 6 months or longer so even though i'm sad and I will miss him i'm so thankful its just rotation and he will be in the field but he will still be on base technically somewhere far out in the dessert. Well you know what they say absence makes the heart grow fonder so a little bit of time apart every once in a while is not a bad thing and it makes you that much more thankful of what you have. Well anyways that's it for now MUAH: kisses!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hello everyone so last night I decided I was going to take my boys to the playgroup they have here from 9:30-11 so in order to do that I would have to get up a little earlier so I could feed them breakfast and get them dressed in time well that all sounded nice and good haha but last night my 6mos old Dj decided he wanted to wake up twice last night to eat on top of that my 2yr old Nic woke up in the middle of the night crying so I gave him a little cup of water and he went back too sleep. Well this morning I tried hard to get up about I  woke up about 8:30 and rolled over and went back to sleep Nic woke up and I was like okay time to get up only thing was it was already 9 ok fast forward so I fix me and Nic some eggs and toast then I took a quick shower while he was eating then I got dressed and then fed Dj ok halfway there but it's already 9:30 I feel like im racing the clock ok so there both fed and then I get them dressed then I get Nic in the walker and Dj in the baby carrier and i'm out the door on my way but it's 10:20 ok so long story short I swear I can never be on time for anything anymore no matter how hard I try I could start early and still be late so i'm going to attempt this again on thursday so what i'm going to do different so I can get there on time this time i'm going to get our clothes out the night before give baths and get them to bed a little early so we can wake up a little early and be rested hopefully that will help well that's it for now 

Monday, January 21, 2013

A lil insight on black butterfly goddess

Well since this is my first post on my blog I will make it kind of short, this is my very first time ever trying a blog so i'm not quite sure exactly what to do or say, so I will just start with a little info about myself My name is Ebony and I am 26, i'm married to my high school sweetheart and we have to little boys 2yrs and 6mos old and yes in case your wondering I do have my hands full haha my hubby is in the army so not only am I a stay at home mom i'm also an army wife well we are both new to the army lifestyle but we're adjusting we live on base in the middle of nowhere hahaha seriously it's like 30 mins from the nearest city but you know its not too bad here the key to staying sane in Fort Irwin is too stay as busy as possible haha well I don't mean to ramble but that's it for now until next time MUAH:kisses