Well off hubby goes again back to the field but at least it's only for a few days this time man you never get used to it you just learn how to deal and keep yourself busy. But I must say i'm really not sad about it or anything because I have made a great new friend and she has 2 kids just like me and she's from Okc just like me so it's so cool to meet someone from where i'm from. Because I will have to admit I stay to myself a lot because it's really hard to meet a genuinely nice army wife too hang out with I mean that really gets me cause I am not quite like other women i'm very different and a lot of people just don't get me thus me being a loner but hey it gets lonely when your hubby is gone working all the time you have to find other things to do because just sitting in the house will literally drive you crazy especially on such an isolated place trust me I know from experience because that's what I did when I first got here anyways so to get out the house I tried the whole joining the FRG and it was okay for awhile but I felt like it wasn't me, I tried making friends on my own and the ones I made were much younger than me with no kids so we didn't have much in common so those friendships didn't go any further than inviting each other to BBQ's and Parties every now and then, and of course I did meet some great people but they ended up moving or getting stationed somewhere else, and some wives treat you as though you are lower than them like they treat you based off of your husbands rank as if they themselves are in the army so if your hubby is a private and there hubby is a specialist or sgt they won't even acknowledge you unless they absolutely have too, and last but not least of course you have the sometime friends I call them sometime friends because they pretend to be your friend but they only come around sometimes like when they need something or their other friends blew them off it's crazy and surprisingly a lot like the show army wives go figure. I used to watch that show with my mom all the time but would have never dreamed that I would be an army wife hell I never thought I would be a wife one day lmao life is so crazy and surprising. N-e ways so on such an isolated place and with so few options I get very excited when I meet someone I actually really get along with and enjoy being around. Well now I feel like i'm rambling hahaha so i'm saying night night until next time
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